Sonntag, 27. April 2008

sea air

Here are some of the things I saw today, a deep lush forest surrounds the area, found some intact sand dollars, smoothed rocks, shells. Cold still in the area, which explains the absence of beach-goers.... a short drive, comparative to others. My company was both comforting and completely unsympathetic... direct quote: "the idea of "transitions" is bullshit. Nobody else in the world needs time to adapt to things, you shouldn't either (unspoken: as my progeny, I don't want you to waste time on "transitions" and I will try to force you not to... in other words, here's how you should feel)." Me: "Well, you're the one who asked, if you don't like the answer, that's your &#&%(# problem." Followed by silence, the 1.5 hour-long sort. The landscape was stunning.

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