Freitag, 7. September 2007


Two job interviews, one of which I'm not at liberty to discuss at all. The latter has, however, forced me to ask myself what sort of patriot I truly am. Hmph.

Temping sort of sucked yesterday. They actually sent me home to change my clothing; the agency had told me business casual, but when I arrived there, everyone was in business formal. Like anyone could even find me if they tried, tucked back away in a cubicle filing things I was not given enough dividers to do while everyone else watched Oprah. The other jobs have all been interesting in their own ways, but the experience such as yesterday's have made me anxious to accelerate my jobhunt.

I haven't read anything interesting aside from the news today, because I discovered on-line scrabble-- my favorite game of all time-- and some college pals and I have been at it and now I'm sucked into the online scrabble world.

I feel like in leaving grad school, I'm emerging from an entirely different galaxy in which my mind, my thoughts, my feelings, my work, and even my body and my needs, had become my own worst enemy; they could not protect me and were actually the cause of being hurt. At least I'm not having as many nightmares these days, guess I feel more safe.

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