Sonntag, 30. September 2007

"a new lease on life"

Someone said that to me, a number of years ago, but somehow I had refused to believe it. I was so happy, and unwilling/unable to give up the idea that things must change. I had wanted to continue; I was not done. I was in the middle of something integral and important. There were more things to do, and I was at last feeling passionate. I had not experienced that passion before, and the idea that it should end threw me into rebellion. I thought "I'm not done, my lease is the same." And then other things happened which compelled me to cleave to what I knew, regardless of whether those earlier things really knew me-- I don't think they did then or when I came up to them, but perhaps did in retrospect... I don't think I'll ever know. But things change, leases change. What one pays and what one pays for change as well.

I guess that only now, am I really confronting, partially of my own volition, a "new lease on life."
The thing that has been missing is the passion, but I've been trying things and there's room to grow into new things, and develop, as I pull things out of my back pocket.... or Rekalim what was taken.

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