Donnerstag, 27. September 2007


More posts about books later, have been so busy temping and looking for work and other things.

Two found things, which helps.

Finally resorted to putting an ad up looking for a female tango partner, sort of sick of always dancing with men and not being able to practice my lead. Even if most are really nice and very good dancers. Now I have more women on my hands than I know what to do with, and I'm working on setting them most of them up with one another. At last there may be more of a queer female tango scene in blossom here, which makes a difference for me.

First roomie didn't work out, and so I'd needed to find another, and at last that seems settled. The guy is great, reminds me a great deal of a former colleague of mine who I worked abroad with before he took off down the Rhine with his wife and then left to work on the east coast, only this one skis too, has lived in Austria, and is at the same stage I am in terms of jobhunting, etc. Even the same blue eyes and upbeat nature, which I'd missed having around. A lot of uni people were interested, and a lot of grad students in various languages, and also a lot of people from abroad who are moving here, but I figure that if I'm breaking from the U. to do something else, I probably don't want a roomie who's structured around the U., at least not at this point. The other interested sets I got were a lot of post-40 or post-50 divorcees, and also gay men of varous ages who'd recently broken up, some of whom wanted to set up an office in the apartment and actually have clients visit here. Roommate interviews are always interesting in terms of meeting people of different sorts and predilections.

I'm thrilled with the results now, however, even if it took awhile.

Still jobhunting and excited for an upcoming visit to my family members in the states.

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