Sonntag, 13. Jänner 2008


Pagliacci was great, sat in the very back, but enjoyed it, though had forgotten my glasses which I need to see distances well with my left eye. It was intense and I cried. Quite a switch from Iphigenia, didn't grab me in quite the same way, perhaps becuase it was simply so clear. I do like this Nuccia, who sang in both Pagliacci and Iphigenia. I had not paid much attention to baritones or tenors before this piece, to be honest, but this time I tried to, because that's the thing to listen for. Then went to hear this Speight guy speak, because I simply wanted to see him in person after reading so much about him, and he seems on the ball and a good guy. I was sort of scared to ask my question, however, because I was afraid I would speak off-key and he would cringe or something awful like that. How does one even speak after an opera, is my question. There were some great lines in the piece, which I will perhaps repeat here at a different point. After that, went to have dinner at, well, Pagliacci, how could one not. Already planning out which weekend I'll come up for Tosca. In other news, went to the symphony yesterday with a pal and then tango dancing. Have tried to think of places to spend some final time in, and I think I've done most of it. Decided to pass on the dyke bar, which is just plain boring and lame, and can't really feel sentimental about it. Had wanted to see a little red show at some point, but maybe later. When I finally return my books to the library, will get to see that for the last time. Basta.

Half-packed and moving early next week. Like the new place, in a good place, heard I was accepted for it yesterday. Will miss the cats, but perhaps will get one or two of my own later. the new job goes well as I've done some things from long-distance.

Auf Wiedersehen, Seattle.

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