Donnerstag, 17. Jänner 2008

Stanley Park

Today I spent all day wandering around Stanley Park.
I'm a little cold still, but it was worthwhile to walk around in the forest and around the circumference and also around Beaver Pond. Marshland and noteworthy trees, no time to describe further at this point. The activities they have in the park are sort of blah, aside from walking about, I think.
It's very nice in terms of parks, but I'm a bit jaded or simply spoiled in terms of beautiful places. I feel the call of the expanse of wilderness around me and maybe I'll travel into the mountains.

I think I'll hit the Davis street next or tomorrow, am staying on the Robson shopping district, great for people watching. I absolutely hate shopping but think I ought to put myself through at least a little bit of it with my new job in mind. Maybe a good time to see a film or two, if the weather sucks again tomorrow.

Last night finished my book, On Beauty by Zadie Smith, and time to choose the next one.
I'm not going to get into a prolonged diatribe about On Beauty just now, other than to say it's great, and is a timely thing to read given the Clinton/Obama debates and other current events.

I love reading at a paced rate and enjoying it. The guy I hired to help me load up the U-haul was sort of shocked that half of the space filled in the van was filled with boxes of books, he was like, God, read much? Why don't you start a library, you could make money that way? He agreed with me that the yellow German book boxes are a good concept, after moving all 14 of those as compared with various other boxes (I'd hit up the liquor store for lots of free empty boxes as well) I'd filled with books, which ranged from a bit to significantly heavier. I simply have not been able to give them up, they are coming with me. The thing which I think was the most of a pain in the ass for him was the filing cabinet. My belongings only filled about half the truck to begin with and loading it only took an hour, and my car is also only half-full of things, but still. I had kept out just one box of books and other publications until the very end as a 'just in case I had some free time' measure, that's a thing which is now in my car, and I'm glad for that.

My move-in date has now been moved to 8am on Monday morning because nobody's at work on Sunday. It's a place I'm sure I want, otherwise would have ditched it and the rental company by now for elsewhere.

Have also been able to do some organizational things for my new job from afar and feel I'm on task in that regard........

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