Donnerstag, 15. November 2007

so, what I'm going to do with that.....

so, took the job.

will move in jan/feb, it looks like. excited about it! negotiated a bit to make a good offer even better. It's almost like I'm a newly hired professor at a "snooty" college, only moving expenses are paid, too. and, the work I'll do is good for the environment and the future, and, I get to travel to Germany sometimes and use all my German skills on a daily basis.

chloe's come to visit for my b-day for a few days. that's been very nice so far, as I have about one friend here now apart from my roommate, and haven't decided what to do to celebrate.

what to do, what to do.

in my program, there were lots of birthdays to celebrate and sometimes we celebrated together. well, I have c. and I have my one friend and I'm sure we can figure something out.
I don't have the day off, given that I've just started a long temp assignment, and usually I need to wind down a bit after work. I'm still working for the mental health people. That's another thing grad school gave me an understanding of: mentally unhealthy people and what it's like to be depressed. C's mentioned how much more relaxed and emontionally healthy I seem now, compared with about every other time she's seen me in the last 6 years. I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

I have also not gotten to photographing my most recent jalapenos. They're absolutely goregous, and will try to get to it sometime soon, but some of them change colors so may need to get entirely new ones by the weekend.

1 Kommentar:

* hat gesagt…

congrats to the job.